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Store Policy

How long will my order take?

Most items on our website are produced on-demand. Once an order is placed, we will usually complete the product in 4-8 business days. In certain cases, we will have a high volume of orders, or a special-order garment, and will need more time.

How will I know when my order is ready?

For every order, we will send two e-mails. One e-mail will show the order details and confirm that the order was placed, and the second e-mail will tell you when your order is being shipped

Can I have a refund or exchange my product?

We will issue refunds for orders that are defective, e.g. misprint or holes in the garment. If a return or exchange is requested, we will review the request and determine if a refund or exchange will be given. Refund/exchange requests must be made within 30 days of the purchase. No refunds will be given for mistakes made outside of our control. This includes you ordering a wrong size, style, or color. We print the exact number of garments, based on the orders that come in, and we will not have extras. Please review your order before you finish checkout to avoid any issues. We will also send an e-mail with details about your order immediately after your order is placed, and if there are any discrepancies in your order at that point, please contact us here and we will do our best to help; this does not guarantee that we will be able change the order in time.

Can I change my billing or shipping address after my order has been place?

Once an order has been confirmed, the billing address cannot be altered. If you receive the confirmation email for your most recent order and the billing address is incorrect but the shipping address is correct, you will still be able to receive your order. If the shipping address on your order is incorrect, please get in touch with us as soon as possible so that we can make our best effort to request a shipping address change with our warehouse team. Please keep in mind, our warehouse moves quickly to get orders to your doorstep as soon as possible. While we cannot guarantee we will be able to successfully make this change, we will be there to work with you to help make things right.

Sterling Production, LLC © All Copyrights, All Rights Reserved 2021